This summer I went to florida ,I can remember it like it was yesterday…
It takes a long time to get to florida. So we stopped in mississippi at a hotel. Then the next day we drove a couple more hours. The beach house we rented was three story! oh ,right laney and her family came too. The first thing we did was unpack. I sleep on the third floor. Then the next day we ate breakfast, then we got ready to go to the beach. When we got there we played in the sand. After that we went surfing. Then we ate lunch. Finally we went back to the beach house. When we got back we had to take a shower because we had sand all over us. After that we played until we had to go eat dinner. After a while we got ready for bed. Then we went to bed. The rest of the week we went to the beach and the pool , we surfed every day. We ate out three times a place called Lulus ,b.j.s and the board walk. I had a really fun week. We played with jellyfish that did not sting! I love the beach. I will always remember that special time I spent with my family and laney`s family in florida!